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LinkedIn Page Access

In order to advertise via your LinkedIn Comany page, you will need to grant us the access to your LinkedIn Company Page. To do this, follow these steps on your browser (note: they may be different on mobile):

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn profile

  2. Click on your profile picture (labeled "Me")

  3. Go to your Company Page by selecting Company: Your Company Name in the dropdown menu


  4. Click on Settings in the left navigation menu on your Company Page.

  5. Select Manage admins

To Accept Our Request:

Identify the pending request from an individual at RAIN, then click Accept.


If you don’t see any request from RAIN, you’re probably just a step ahead of us. You can provide the access yourself by adding a “paid media admin.”

To Add a Paid Media Admin:

  1. In Settings / Manage Admins, select the Paid media admins tab and click + Add paid media admin

  1. Search for Han Park in the search box and select the profile as shown below

  2. Select the Sponsored content poster role

Select Han Park-20240617-084549.png
  1. Click Save

Please let us know when you’ve completed this process so that we can confirm everything looks good from our end!

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