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Understanding Meta's 'Customer List' Custom Audiences: A Guide to Retargeting and Privacy

What is a "Customer List" Custom Audience?

A: A "Customer List" Custom Audience is a type of audience you can create on Meta platforms using data from your own customer lists. This might include data from your CRM system or internal records, like email addresses or phone numbers. The list can uploaded to a Meta ad account either by uploading it as a file, or pushing it directly from your CRM system. Meta uses this data to match with their users, allowing you to target ads directly to people on your list or create lookalike audiences to find new customers with similar profiles.

How is the data uploaded and used on Meta?

A: Data is first uploaded to the your company’s Meta ad account. It can then be shared with RAIN’s Meta ad account for ad targeting. Meta hashes the data before it's used, ensuring it's converted into a secure, non-reversible code. This hashed data is used to match your customers with Meta users without revealing personal identifiers directly.

What analytics does Meta provide regarding retargeting campaigns?

A: Meta provides several types of analytics on campaign performance when using Custom Audiences:

  • Demographics: Includes age and gender of the audience reached.

  • Platform: Specifies where ads are shown, such as Facebook feeds or Instagram stories.

  • Device: Indicates whether the ads were viewed on desktops, mobile devices, or tablets.

  • Geo Location: Shows the geographical regions, like DMA regions, states, or countries.

How is customer data protected and what happens if the list is updated?

A: Meta protects customer data through hashing, which turns customer list information into a secure, randomized code that cannot be reversed. When you (RAIN’s client) update your customer list in your ad account, this change is also reflected on our end automatically. Campaign targeting updates to include users present in the updated list. Additionally, if any users opt out or are removed from your client’s list, they are not targeted in the campaign.

How can customers opt out or unsubscribe from Meta marketing campaigns?

A: Yes, Customers can opt out of these and any other Meta marketing campaigns by using the "Hide ad" option available on any sponsored ad they see across Meta’s platforms. This stops ads from that particular campaign or advertiser from appearing in their feed.


Using a "Customer List" Custom Audience allows for precise targeting and retargeting of users based on your actual customer data, enhancing the relevance and efficiency of advertising campaigns. Meta's robust hashing and data matching process ensure security and privacy compliance, making it a powerful tool for digital marketing strategies.

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