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[YouTube] Uploading Your Video

The process for starting a YouTube video ad campaign is relatively straightforward.

What you’ll need:

  • A YouTube channel (requiring a Google account)

  • A video file

1. Create A Google Account

If you don’t already have a Google account, it’s easy to create one.

It is not required to create a paid Google Workspace account. A free “” email address is all that’s required.

2. Create A YouTube Channel

Before you upload your first YouTube video, you’ll need to quickly create a channel. There are only 2 requirements:

  1. Name (e.g. “Your Company Name”

  2. Handle (e.g. “@YourCompanyName”

A 3rd piece we suggest, but is not required, is a Profile Picture. We suggest using the same one you may have used on your Facebook page or company LinkedIn profile.

You don’t need to customize your channel any further, if you don’t want, but additional options are available to you. Click the Customize channel button to find them.

3. Upload A Video

Click the Create button image-20240520-222002.png located in the top-right corner on the desktop view of, then select Upload Video. Add your video by dragging and dropping into the pop-up window, or find it in your files by clicking SELECT FILES.

Fill out basic information for your video. We’ve only touched on required/suggested points below. There are more options for customization, but they’re not necessary for our purposes here.

Details Tab

Title is required. Your title should be generic. It is possible for users to see the title of the video if they look for it, so make sure it doesn’t cause confusion or look unprofessional. We suggest something along the lines of “YourCompanyName’s Premium Checking Account.”

Description is not required, but you may add a short one if you’d like, perhaps describing the product’s #1 selling point.

A custom Thumbnail is not required, but you may add one if you’d like.

*This step may require additional verification of your phone number in your Google account.

Audience: Be sure to mark the box for ‘No, it’s not made for kids'


Make sure to mark Public. This is required for our purposes. Videos listed as Private cannot be used in ads, and Unlisted can cause other issues later on.

There is no need to check the box for ‘instant Premiere'

When you’ve uploaded your video, please share the link with us so we can utilize it in your ad campaign!

You’re all done. Thank you!

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